
DTMF Commands
Command Description
Repeater status: ID, EchoLink, Talk group. Connected stations(out) and "clients" (in)
Full repeater status: ID, tid, anslutna stations/clients, talk group      Not SvxLink standard
1 Activation of the Parrot. Terminate with #.
5 Weather (METAR) for the closest airport (Norrköping/Kungsängen).
51 Weather for Kungsängen Airport (ESSP)
52 Weather for Skavsta Airport (ESKN).
53 Weather for Linköping/Malmen (ESCF).
54 Weather for Linköping/SAAB (ESSL).
55 Weather for Kalmar Airport (ESMQ).
node nbr Connect to EchoLink with this node number.
EchoLink status: Connected stations (out) and Clients (in). Not SvxLink standard
Prefix for node numbers that collide with other commands. Not SvxLink standard
Dnbr Macros for EchoLink.


Connect by EchoLink to last connected station.

Outgoing only

Disconned the last connected station.

Outgoing only


Says my EchoLink node number.

Not SvxLink standard


SvxLink Talk group Commands
Command Description

Deactivate all talk groups

Timeout 30 seconds
9* SvxLink talk group status:

Activate default talk group

Not SvxLink standard
Select talk group nbr. Examples and shortcuts below


Reset all reflectors to talk group 0.



Talk group 240 Sweden
Talk group 240x District
Talk group 2405 SM5
Talk group 24053 E-län   (unofficial)
Talk group 2407 SM7


QSY to random talk group



Follow last QSY.

94nbr Add monitoring for talk group nbr.
Example Description


Talk group 91 på on Reflector WW
Talk group 91 on UK Reflector Europe
Genväg Beskrivning                                   (ej SvxLink standard)


Reset all reflectors to talk group 0.



Talk group 240 Sweden
Talk group 240x District
Talk group 2405 SM5
Talk group 24053 E-län   (unofficial)


Talk group 2407 SM7
Talk group 235 on UK Reflector UK
6 Connect to SK5BN.
7 Connect to SK7RFL.
8 Connect to SK7RN.
78 Connect to SK7RFL and SK7RN
71 Connect to SK7JL.

The standard commands greyed out, can be replaced by the much simpler shortcuts.
However, talk group 91 and 92 must always be activated by a full DTMF command (with the prefix

DMR Commands   Not SvxLink standard
Command Description
96* Talk group status: Talk group number only.
6* Talk group status: Talk group number and connected stations.

Ativate the default DMR talk group 2405174.

Activate DMR talk group nbr Examples below
960 Deactivate DMR talk group.
Examples Description


Talk group 240 Sweden
Talk group 240x District
Talk group 24024 "Sweden Link"
Talk group 240216 "Sweden Hub"

Click here for the complete talk group list at SK7RFL.se.


Commands may or may not be terminated by a # sign..
Talk group for outgoing calls are manually selected by using the DTMF command 91tg or by CTCSS.
  • Selection of a new talk group by DTMF will de-select any previous selected talk groups.
  • Selection of talk group by CTCSS will only function at start of the repeater.
  • If talk group is activated by CTCSS or carrier only, the first transmission is always local.
  • The talk group shortcuts are not standard SvxLink.
The selected talk group is active, until the reset signal is heard..
  • 3 tones after 30 seconds of inactivity.
  • Regardless if the nod was activated locally or externally.
If no commands are given, the node will activate its default talk group.
  • SvxLink SE 2405174
  • SvxLink UK 2405174
  • DMR BM 2405174
  • DMR TGIF 2405174
  • YSF "SE SM5GXQ" 57839
  • The first transmission is always local.
Incoming traffic from any of the above listed talk groups will automatically activate the node.
  • But not if the node is already in use.
  • No commands are needed for a local user to respond to any incoming call.
The node will verbally inform about the talk group selected.
  • The talk group is stated by number or associated callsign.
  • At the first transmission from each node, the node's callsign is spelled out (SvxLink only).
  • At the first transmission on a DMR talk group, the talk group number is spelled out.
  • Some different coutesy tones are given, to indicate other repeaters and networks.
Morse Repeater
A SK7RFL Algutsrum
R SK7RN (ospecificerat)
S SK7RN-S Mörbylånga
C SK7RN-C Borgholm
N SK7RN-N Böda
J SK7JL Spjutsbygd
K SK5AS Linköping
W SK5LW Eskilstuna
U UK Reflector
T Thüringen Link
L EchoLink
If using talk group 240|91|92, it's mandatory to do a "QSY".
  • Other repeaters are then released from the connection.
  • There is an automatic QSY from talk group 240 after 3 minutes of QSO.
  • Users on nodes already involved don't need to issue any commands to follow the QSY.
  • On all other nodes, there is a message "QSY xx pending". Users can now press PTT within 15 seconds to follow that QSY.
  • After 15 seconds "QSY ignored" is heard. Now users may give the DTMF command 93 to follow that QSY.
Outgoing EchoLink calls will block any previous talk group selections.
Incoming EchoLink calls cannot interrupt ongoing QSOs on the node.
  • If there already is an ongoing QSO, the node will inform the EchoLink user that the node is occupied, followed by disconnection.
  • This does however not apply to a QSO on the local talk group 2405174.
EchoLink are automatically disconnected when inactive too long.
  • The timeout is 30 seconds.
  • This does not apply to bulletin mode.
In this implementation there are separate solutions for incoming and outgoing EchoLink connections.
  • Incoming EchoLink is routed to talk group 2 at the node's local reflector.
    • No verbal messages are given on radio, when users connect or disconnect.
    • The node is not activated, until the connecting station gives his first PTT.
    • The EchoLink user will hear a node ID upon connection. No other messages or tones from the logic will be heard.
  • The status commands (*, 0* 2*) will give two separate listings of connected EchoLink users.
    • Clients = Incoming connections.
    • Stations = Outgoing connections.
    • The command * will only give the number of connected users.
    • The command 2* will also spell the callsigns of all connected users.
  • The local (radio) user may use # to disconnect outgoing EchoLink connections, but not incoming ones.