Welcome to Granudden in Färjestaden
on the Island of Öland!

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Peter Lindquist, Webmaster
Peter Lindquist
This site is about my summer-house on the beautiful Island of Öland.

Here you will find five webcams and a photo album, showing flowers in my garden.

My private weather station supplies live weather data and statistics.

I'm a ham radio operator with the callsign SM6GXQ, and the weather data is also transmitted via the APRS network.

Why a website then? Mostly because I live 360 km from the site and need a way to keep track of things. At first this was a private gardening site, but it became increasingly popular. This is not a commercial site, and I don't claim to be an expert on any of the subjects that I cover here. By the way, "Cape Pine" is "swenglish" for Granudden.

Weather-Display Live is used for my Live display, and it requires support for Flash graphics in you web browser. Javascript is required for the entire site to work.

My Webcams are live ! My five Logitech Quick Cam Pro 4000 are placed in the garden. The software WebcamXP is used to publish the images.

I'd be glad, if you'd post a few comments in my Guest Book.

My weather station's data is published onto several weather sites
Weather Underground APRS WEDAAL AWEKAS Wetterpage 24 HamWeather Anything Weather
Aktuellt väder i Färjestaden
wetterpage24.de - 24 Stunden das aktuelle Wetter der privaten Wetterstationen
Click here to view more data from my Weather Station!

I'm registered at Wetterstationen-online.net
Reggad på Commo.se
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Visitor statistics
  Now 2day Week Month Total
CPGP 0 4 23 210 241116
WX 0 2 9 77 50669
Webcam 0 1 5 13 21181
Album 1 16 215 689 92244
Blogg 0 2 5 76 53959

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